New Chapter

Created by pauline 15 years ago
The day i found out i was pregnant i was over the moon i secretly longed for a boy as i have two beautiful girls , but as the saying goes i dont mind what i have as long as baby healthy. Pregnancy was goin all right went for my first scan on the 3rd of aug 07 all was ok with scan i was relieved with the scan , as they say first 3 months once you over them , all will be ok. went for second scan in sept and found out i was having a boy , i was over the moon couldnt wait to tell his daddy and the rest of the family , they were all delighted , nothing unusual occorred in pregnancy e.g bleeding till then just frequent chest infections and lower back pain, went for hospital visit in my local clinic as hospital runs clinic from my health center there was protien in urine and the doctor sent my sample off for analysis and she said shed send me out a prescription for antibiotic wen results that was on a thurs . a week later on the fri baby done a flip in my belly and it really hurt , it was like as if he moved head up ,so i gave it till the tuesday to see nurse as i thought he might not be able to move if he shifted to an awkward position she done a urine sample and still protien in urine , she checked his heartbeat and it was fine little did i know it was goin to be the last time i would hear my sons heartbeat . it had put my mind at ease knowing his little heart was beating away. on the thurs i was still concerned as still no movement , so i rang the hospital, told them my concerns , i spoke to a male midwife and he told me i had two choices 1 go back to my nurse or come straight to hospital,so i went to hosp . i got called in to exam room and the done a scan and at that moment my world came crashing down around me , my baby had died, then they called my boyfriend in and we broke the news to him, at that moment they checked my blood pressure and it was through the roof , they told me i had pre-eclampsia they gave me a pill to induce labour and blood pressure tablets ,they kept me in a room on my own i was numb with shock,on the sunday labour started just niggly pains so i sent ger home at end of visiting hours told him to get rest , the poor thing he was only home and he was not long home wen he was back by 11 as the pains getting stronger wen to labour ward at 2.45 got b.p checked still high and was only 3 cm wen doc came in and gave me an epidural the test fluid wasnt even in the epidural wen my waters brok (the first time they broke on their own) and one push he was out ( i know david was looking after me in labour ) as i know he didnt want me to suffer any more pain than loosing him .DAVID was born at 3.33 am on sunday 28th oct 2007 the midwife had him sheltered from me afraid i didnt wnt to see him but i asked staright away and i held him and sobbed soon as i went up to the ward i took david with me and he laid in my arms all night while i slept i didnt even move all night just held him in my arms.its a moment i will always treasure craddling my baby. Deeply missed my mum, dad ,sisters , grand parents , aunts and uncles, and cousins . Never forgotten always in our hearts , may you be at peace little david . since having david i have given birth to his little sister millie kate on the 4th july 2008 @ 30 weeks gestation she is a miracle from david as the pregnancy was goin the same way as davids